Fri. 18/11/2016 - 19:00
Cinema Nova


One-night stands for drugs or drugs for one-night stands? The use, albeit limited, of dating apps as much as intuition seems to indicate an increased prevalence of the phenomenon of "chemsex", as illustrated in the [film->/spip.php?page=film-arch&id_rubrique=4837&lang=en&tit=Chemsex] to be screened on Wednesday 16 - 21:30. But what is chemsex really indicative of? "Gay nihilism" of the 21st century or freedom 2.0? A result of group denial - because it is churlish to talk about issues like health, addiction and suffering in a context that one would like to associate with pleasure? Isn't chemsex, in fact, nothing but a new phase in the great, historic emancipation movement where LGBT will be just one of the many actors?

Practical information

Cinema Nova

Rue d'Arenberg, 3
1000 Bruxelles