
Aviaja Skotte


What about us?

Aviaja Skotte


Aviaja Skotte (1996) fell in love with the audiovisual medium at a young age, so when high school let go of its claws, she immediately began to gain experience. She has worked as a press assistant at CPH:DOX, learned about script development at the Short & Documentary Film School, made short films at Copenhagen Film & Fotoskole, taught film production and acting at Roskilde Festival Højskole and earned a bachelor's degree in Danish literature, language and media at the University of Copenhagen with a specialization in script development at the University of Southern Denmark. And of course, she is also working on her own projects.

In 2017, she received her first grant from Copenhagen Film Workshop, and in early 2019, the 32-minute short film "Roses are Yellow" was born. Aviaja wrote, directed, edited and composed music for the film. The film was shown at National Festival for Talented Youth in Seattle, US, Les Enfants terribles in Huy, Belgium, and OSLO16 Short Film Festival - Women in North in Oslo, Norway.

In 2021, she embarked on a new short film, "Skal vi være kærester?/What about us?", this time supported by Copenhagen Film Workshop, Danish Playwrights Association and the Danish Actors' Association. The film, which she has this time stuck to writing and directing, was completed in the beginning of 2024.

She is currently attending the Film Art School in Kabelvåg, Northern Norway, where she is currently working on an animation project.